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Why do we need Gold Standard Blood Tests every year?

 Why do we need Gold Standard Blood Tests every year?


Everyone wants to stay fit and healthy throughout their life, but good health is something we cannot wait for, and nor will it just happen by our wishful thinking. We have to follow certain steps to achieve it.





 These tests are important because: 

  • They help in tracking and maintaining fundamental parameters of our body 
  • These tests are very accurate, sensitive, and very specific
  • These tests identify any infection or fatal disease at a very early stage.

Why do we need Gold Standard Blood Tests every year?

Gold Standard Blood Tests are done regularly after the age of 18 years till the rest of your life. Even if you look healthy, these tests are a must to have. We can compare the blood tests with fingerprints. Reason – even when different blood tests have different ranges, the numbers mostly remain constant over the years

Gone are the days when we had to wait for symptoms to develop for any certain disease. Remember, in many situations, symptoms are not even visible for years. Regular blood tests come to the rescue here and help in the early recognition of underlying disease.

Gold Standard Blood Tests comprise the following key tests: 

1. Complete Blood Count (CBC) 

2. Kidney Function Test (includes electrolytes and glucose) 

3. Liver Function Test 

4. Lipid Profile (Cholesterol profile which apparently includes so-called bad cholesterol) 

5. Vitamin D (we do not spend much time in the sun and hence lack Vitamin D in our bodies) 

6. Vitamin B12 (Communities especially in India are vegetarian and hence low in Vitamin B12) 

7. HbA1C – It is a gold standard test for diabetes today, independent of the daily functions of glucose in our blood. There is a dramatic rise of diabetes all over the world and it is happening in the younger population too.

8. Age-appropriate Cancer Screening Tests (for example Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) test for cancer and PAP Smear Test for screening Cervix cancer)

9. TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)

10. Although not for blood, but below tests are gold standards for our health 

  • Body Mass Index (BMI)
  • Blood Pressure 
  • Urine Dipstick Test

It is essential to know your blood 

This is focused on blood tests of blood flowing in our blood vessels (arteries and veins). To ensure that we are in good health with respect to the circulation of blood in our body, we undergo blood tests routinely and universally and this test is known as CBC (Complete Blood Count).

Almost every young woman is deficient in the amount of blood due to female physiology of losing blood each month during their monthly cycle. But, the fact is there are no symptoms as it happens very slowly. The only way to figure out is by blood tests

Our top medical bodies recommend Gold Standard Blood Tests to be done every year for 18 years till the rest of your life.

Gold standard tests are extremely helpful in maintaining & fine-tuning our health.



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