About Best Physician in Delhi NCR

Doctor Name (Prof.) Dr. S. Om Goel, MD/DM
Primary Specialty Physician
Experience 40 Years

Education & Training

Medical Education MD Medicine, USA DM/Fellowship, USA
Residency Phoenix
Practice Areas Phoenix, Arizona

Best MD Physician

Dr. S. (Om) Goel, M.D., DM.
He belongs to a family of doctors (They are four brothers and married to wives who are all physicians). 

They all are from the top medical colleges of India, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, and Delhi University Medical Schools/Medical Colleges.

He is the youngest of four brothers and as went through medical education, he followed his brothers to the US for his M.D. medicine training and DM fellowship

Doctor's Experience

  • Professor level Dr. S. (Om) Goel, the founder of Add15Years/Nextsteplivinglonger is from a well-known family of doctors from AIIMS and Delhi University.
  • He has been practicing medicine in the USA/India for more than 40 years as a specialist in family medicine, general medicine, diabetes, and blood pressure. 
  • Dr. Goel started being recognized among his colleagues as the top 10 doctors in the field of internal medicine, general medicine in NCR based on his qualification, knowledge, and expertise and his experience and 100% successfully managing the dengue epidemic among his member patients in NCR, India in October 2012. He was highly praised by his colleagues for his achievement.
  • Dr. Goel was offered to run a hospital as a medical director or become a director of a medical school in India by his colleagues, but Dr. Goel’s passion has been to maximise the lifespan of the Indian community all over India and specifically in relation to the rampant silent killer as mentioned by India Today, the heart attack.


If we were to follow the best doctor, Dr. Goel’s recommendation, no one should have a sudden heart attack or at least you will come to know that you are at a very high risk of getting a heart attack within the next 5 years.

Motive with The Medi India Program

  • Last 15-20 years, my passion has been to add 15 years to the life of our Indian community all over India.
  • And help them to achieve a life span of 85 years.


At present, yes, 5 out of maybe 100 Indians may make it to 80-95 years.
But again reality is to live a healthier life beyond 50 years of age and it is becoming a challenge in India for our highly educated middle-class families and their parents.
It is so obvious to all of us that we are at risk of “sudden death” or “poor health,” costing lakhs of rupees in our wonderful years or managing a sudden crisis.
We are seeing more and more such incidents between the ages of 45 years to 65 years.
The fact is, it can be easily prevented and anticipated today in 2023.

It is about our mental health.
It is about our social health.
It is about our financial health.


Our Strength

My team and I can really help you.
Our #1 concern is a sudden heart attack or getting a stroke.
After talking to you, we can anticipate or prevent both.
And in the long run, to be very honest, it will help you to save lakhs of rupees.