Women Health Management
Although men and women are faced with many of the same health issues throughout their lives, some health concerns are unique to women. Educating yourself about what the most common women’s health issues are and how they change over the course of a woman’s lifetime can be empowering. Moreover, understanding your distinctive health needs is an important key to preventing disease, staying well, and thriving.

Women’s health conditions at every age

When you know what to watch out for at every age, it can help you stay healthier and be aware of issues before they become serious.

What age do health problems start for women?

Health issues can crop up at any time during a woman’s life. Many sexual and reproductive health issues occur between the ages of 15 and 44. But, serious conditions such as cancer or heart disease are more likely to develop in midlife, from age 50 on.

Health problems in teens

Major health problems are rare in teen girls. The most common complaints from teens involve menstruation.“As girls enter their teenage years, things such as endometriosis and dysmenorrhea (painful menstrual cycles) may present.
50%-75% of teen girls report painful periods (dysmenorrhea), which can include cramps, back pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and sweating. Teen girls also often report irregular periods.

Health problems in 20s

As women become more sexually active in their 20s, sexual health, and STIs are top health concerns. In fact, half of all reported STIs are from 15- to 24-year-olds. In the 20s, health issues such as sexually transmitted infections and pelvic inflammatory disease become an issue, which can have a lasting effect on a woman’s fertility.
Prevention is key when it comes to STIs. Using protection during sexual contact reduces your risk of contracting an STI. There are effective and safe vaccines given to pediatric patients to decrease hepatitis B and HPV infections for a lifetime.

Health problems at 30

Many health problems facing women in their 30s involve fertility, and complications resulting from pregnancy and childbirth. The CDC estimates that 1 in 5 women between the ages of 30 to 39 will have trouble conceiving, and fertility declines starting at age 30 until age 45 or so. Additionally, conditions related to pregnancy and childbirth—including gestational diabetes and preeclampsia can cause significant issues and can lead to death, if not treated promptly.
Staying healthy during your childbearing years involves eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, managing your stress, moderating your alcohol intake, and getting enough sleep. Women in their 30s should be doing monthly breast exams and monthly checks for abnormal moles or other skin changes.

Health problems in 40s

Women’s health after 40 centers includes symptoms of perimenopause, which is when your ovaries start releasing fewer eggs, your level of progesterone and estrogen decrease, and menstrual periods become irregular. Perimenopause can last two to 10 years: menopause is when a woman has not had a menstrual period for 12 months.
The decrease in ovarian hormones causes menstrual irregularities, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, sleep disturbance, pain with intercourse, infertility, weight gain, and moodiness. During this time, health issues such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, obesity, and infertility may also become more prominent.
Staying healthy and vibrant during your 40s involves eating well-balanced meals, and staying fit. Adding strength training to your fitness routine can keep your bones and muscles strong, help in weight management, and protect against osteoporosis. It’s vital that you complete your health screenings, including breast cancer and colon cancer screenings.

Female health problems after 50, and beyond

As women age, they face the gynecological symptoms that come with menopause, which may include urinary incontinence, vaginal atrophy and dryness, and pain with intercourse (dyspareunia). Women also encounter health issues such as cancer, osteoporosis, and diabetes. Cancer is the leading cause of death of women older than 45, followed by heart disease.
Maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle as you age can help you live a longer and more enjoyable life. Aim for 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily, and eat a diet rich with fruits, vegetables, and proteins. Keeping up with immunizations, doctor’s visits, and health screenings, is imperative as you age.

What are the most significant barriers to women’s health?

The healthcare for women of different socioeconomic, educational, and racial backgrounds:
These above problems may lead to both less comprehensive and less women-focused care. Women may also skip routine visits that can catch issues early. We know that early detection improves health outcomes.

How to overcome these barriers

Some of the barriers to preventing good women’s healthcare are structural. However, prioritizing primary and preventive care are a first step to improving your health outcomes.
Schedule regular visits with your primary care doctor or OB-GYN.
You should be a priority, no matter what. See a physician for checkups and screenings—or anytime that something feels wrong or off with your body. Common health issues that affect millions of women each year.

Menstruation Problems

It is very common for women to have issues with periods, including heavy, scant, missed or irregular periods. These period cramps remain to be another health issue among women. Heavy menstrual bleeding is the menstrual blood loss of more than 80 ml or periods lasting more than seven days. It has been estimated that about 9 to 14 out of 100 women get heavy periods. Heavy menstruation problems can interfere with daily life and even result in iron deficiency anemia in severe cases. Talk to your doctor, if you have heavy menstrual bleeding to rule out the underlying cause. Book a full body test and be assured of your health. Another problem in periods is pre-menstruation syndrome (PMS), which affects 47.8% of reproductive age women worldwide.
The common symptoms of PMS include changes in appetite, weight gain, abdominal pain, back pain, headache, swelling of the breasts, nausea, constipation, anxiety, mood swings, etc. These symptoms occur within a few days of the start of menstruation.

Book a full body test and be assured of your health.

Fertility issues

Various causes responsible for infertility in women are PCOS, contraception complications, abortion infections, STDs, post-partum infections, pelvic inflammatory diseases, etc. Lifestyle problems such as smoking, alcohol, consuming processed food, physical and emotional stress can also play a significant role in infertility.
The problem of infertility can be treated with the help of an expert depending on the underlying cause. There are certain hormone tests, such as FSH tests, that the doctor might suggest to get a sneak peek into your condition.

Thyroid problems

Thyroid disease is twice as prevalent in women as in men and is common among women of child-bearing age (18-35 years). Women generally have hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone levels), in which the metabolism slows down. Symptoms include weight gain, feeling sluggish and tired, etc. On the other side, high thyroid levels can also cause early onset of menopause, before 40 years or in the early 40s. Besides, pregnancy can raise the level of thyroid hormones in the blood and almost 5% – 10% of women suffer from postpartum thyroiditis, which occurs within 1 year after giving birth.

Breast cancer

Breast cancer is the second important cause of cancer deaths among women. The latest global figures show that around half a million women die from breast cancer each year. Various risk factors involved are increasing age, family history, early onset of periods or menopause after 55 years, obesity, etc. Keep yourself educated regarding breast cancer self-examination. Breast cancer is the second important cause of cancer deaths among women. The latest global figures show that around half a million women die from breast cancer each year. Various risk factors involved are increasing age, family history, early onset of periods or menopause after 55 years, obesity, etc.
Keep yourself educated regarding breast cancer self-examination


Emerging evidence suggests that women are more prone to experience anxiety, and depression in contrast to men. According to WHO, depression is the most common mental health problem for women and suicide a leading cause of death for women under 60.
Depression can last for more than a couple of weeks and interferes with your daily life. Hormonal fluctuations can trigger the condition, especially after pregnancy or around menopause. Other risk factors include family history, marital problems, chronic illness, stressful life event, physical or sexual abuse, etc. Although the majority of people need treatment, a few measures such as exercise, spending time with people you trust can also help.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Today’s woman has polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a common metabolic and endocrine disorder of reproductive age. Women with PCOS may have infrequent menstrual periods or excess male hormone (androgen) levels. This disorder is getting prevalent in India that accounts to 3.7 to 22.5% of females. Women affected with PCOS are at increased risk of obesity, type II diabetes mellitus, heart disease, infertility, and acne.

Some common symptoms of PCOS are: